Used cars near me are a smart purchase for those who are looking to save money. They often depreciate less, and insurance rates are lower as well. However, it is important to weigh the pros and cons of a used vehicle before making your purchase. For example, if you’re looking for features like an advanced stereo system or panoramic sunroof, you might want to consider buying a new one instead. Likewise, older vehicles may require more frequent maintenance to maintain performance and safety. More
Unlike private sellers, dealers typically offer a vehicle history report and may even provide warranties or other forms of protection for buyers. Moreover, many states charge yearly registration fees based on the car’s age, so an older model could potentially earn you a lower rate.
Beyond the Showroom: Exploring the Options of Used Cars Near Me
Dealerships also offer a broader selection of vehicles for shoppers to choose from than a private seller. They typically only keep vehicles on their lot for 60 days or fewer, so they’re motivated to sell them quickly. In addition, they can offer financing and other financial assistance options.
However, the main advantage of a dealership is that it can offer a one-stop shop experience. In addition to listing vehicles for sale, they can offer a variety of tools and resources to assist shoppers with their research, such as reviews, news articles, videos, reports, and a trade-in value calculator. They can also allow shoppers to complete a simple four-step loan application and provide a list of auto loans with estimated monthly payments.