Brian Deady has been a local favourite around Cork for years. His most recent album Yellow Creek is a testament to his talent and is a fun listen. It is an interesting mix of old school and new school blues based rock with a healthy smattering of disco, R&B and funk. One of the highlights of the record was a rousing rendition of the classic Clap Both My Hands, a song that has a resonating resemblance to the work of Jimi Hendrix.
Having toured with Nile Rodgers, played several Irish festivals and taken in many of the country’s finest musicians, Deady has a well rounded resume. Fortunately, he has been able to keep busy with touring, recording and releasing music that is both interesting and relevant to the discerning music fan. Whether it’s a full length album or a single, it’s always nice to know that a talented artist is out there churning out some of the best songs on the radio.
As a sidenote, Brian has been credited with helping to kickstart a new musical renaissance in Ireland. The IMRO (Irish Music Record Office) has recently launched a new digital music platform that aims to promote Irish artists across the globe. This is a great opportunity for all musicians to showcase their skills and take the spotlight. For the uninitiated, the site offers an e-music library with a growing collection of music that can be downloaded for free. To add a little more colour to the mix, the website will also feature a video section.
Aside from the IMRO’s laudable initiatives, Deady has been an active player in the Cork music scene for some time now. This year he nailed the big kahuna by signing a deal with Universal/Decca Records. With a wealth of experience and connections, the new deal will ensure that the Cork music scene will be able to stay afloat in the face of increasing competition from other parts of the globe. Hopefully, this will not only help the city to retain its competitive edge, but also lead to a brighter future for local music lovers. In the meantime, you can find Deady playing local gigs throughout the country. You can also sign up for his email newsletter to receive updates on upcoming shows and performances. Lastly, there are plenty of opportunities to win prizes and sweepstakes, including a signed copy of his latest CD and a limited edition affixed to the illustrious Yellow Creek album. Currently, you can take advantage of the Year End Giveaway. So, if you haven’t jumped on the bandwagon, make your move now!