If you’re a yoga teacher and want to take your practice to the next level, a 300-hour yoga training can be an excellent way to get there. This advanced training will help you develop your teaching skills and learn how to use props more effectively. It also helps you gain a deeper understanding of the philosophy and history of yoga. It is a great way to improve your lucidity and self-assurance in your instruction. This link 300 hours yoga teacher training india | MYTYoga.com
The 300-hour yoga training course will allow you to advance your knowledge of the philosophy and practice of classical Yoga techniques created by Indian Rishi, Sages and Yoga Gurus 5000 years ago. It will teach you to recognize and address common misalignments in class by practicing physical and verbal adjusting cues. The training will also enable you to develop a deeper understanding of the therapeutic, energetic and physical benefits of Yoga postures and breathing practices.
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This training is a highly interactive learning experience and will provide you with the opportunity to teach in front of your peers. The course will be led by experienced and qualified teachers. The program will include the following:
During this course, you’ll explore deeper layers of the yoga tradition in the form of reading and studying ancient texts. You’ll also engage in a rich dialogue and share wisdom in Knowledge Meetings and Satsangs. These experiences will allow you to expand your knowledge of yoga beyond the physical poses, and gain a greater appreciation for living enlightenment as an ever-expanding process rather than a destination.